Jessica Palmer

Customer Success Operations, Strategy Lead


Jessica Palmer is the Strategy and Adoption Lead in Customer Success Operations at PTC. Having lived in Customer Success at PTC since 2016, Jessica has lead such roles as Customer Success Manager, Customer Success Delivery Lead and now Strategy Lead.  She embraces process, customer delivery and career management with the utmost passion.  Her personal goal in life is to ensure that people stand up for what they believe in and focus on their ability to find the proper work/life balance.

All Sessions by Jessica Palmer

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Day 1: May 18, 2021

2:00 pm

2:00 pm

Panel: Customer Success Operations

Focus on Customer Success Operations for a Better Customer Success Journey

Customer success ops is responsible for executing customer success strategies. Develop a detailed understanding of its function, why it is important, and how to do it right. Source specific insights to:

  • Implement customer success KPIs
  • Utilize change management strategies to succeed
  • Build brand advocacy

Leverage customer success ops to accelerate your customer success program.

Day 2: May 19, 2021